In A Daze Work How careful would you be about making choices from the moment you wake up, if you knew that hitting that snooze button was going to completely change how your day goes? "IN A DAZE WORK: A Pick-Your-Path Journey Through the Daily Grind" by Siobhán Gallagher is that book that will in a humorous way; make you reconsider all of the decisions you make by giving you different outcomes. Would you sleep a few extra minutes in the morning, if you knew that this decision would have a snowball effect? Maybe you’ll start getting ready for work later than you should. Then you’ll get stuck in a morning rush. Miss your train. Get annoyed while trying to avoid slow walkers. Till you’ve finally made it to work – LATE! You can probably already assume what would happen next.

“Believe in Yourself Project” is a new charity helping to replace the poor body image that afflicts many girls and women. This image is heightened by what the traditional fashion industry deems as beautiful: Women are expected to appear a certain way and live up to a manufactured and unrealistic notion of what beauty is. At the same time, strained finances can prevent many girls from keeping up with what’s trending or cool, making them feel isolated among their friends for not being able to afford clothing that is deemed as "in" socially.

“Trust the process.” You’ve heard this one before. As a matter of fact, you’ve probably heard it so many times that it started annoying you. No, you’ve heard it so many times that you have actually started trusting the process less and less. Because – let’s be real, who wants to be told what to do? Exactly. As a modern 21st century man or woman you like to believe that you are capable of making your own decisions and having all aspects of your life under control. Let me break it to you – you don’t and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. If anything “trusting the process” makes life easier for you, because it alleviates the need to be a control freak.