Off the bat, let's be honest - most of these products are not the ones worn in the movie Fifty Shades Darker, but are just the perfect alternative. Some of these products are organic, chemical and cruelty-free, which is an added bonus. So, pay attention all of Anastasia Steele wannabes, because there is a way to recreate Steele's signature lip. And when it comes to the said lip - I'm not sure what we've seen more of in the movie, the different shades of Grey or the different shades of lipstick worn by Dakota Johnson's character? You, be the judge... Whether you like the movie or not, it doesn't really matter, because at least we can all agree that the makeup and the fashion was spot on. So, here are some vampy lip products that you can use while dominating inside or outside the bedroom or while climbing the corporate ladder and stuff. There are so many options for a go-getter kind of gal.

Have you ever heard of a moisturizer that has human exosomes as an active ingredient? Probably not… eXO Perfection Moisturizer is the first to market such technology. Its formula consists of next-gen natural ingredients and 150 million+ Zen3 exosomes that work with your skin on a cellular level. This intelligent Zen3 technology continuously adapts to your skin by synching cells to lock in hydration and radiance and slow down the aging.

Sun’s out and you know what that means? Yes – FUN! But also – safety. As soon as it starts feeling like summer out (even though we should care about these things during the "cuffing season" too), the first thing I think of is unfortunately not the bikinis, but how to properly protect myself. Call me a hypochondriac, but sun, although crucial to the life on Earth, can also be detrimental to our health.

  Have you ever met a single soul that loves making a “fun bun?” I certainly haven’t. For something that’s supposed to be “fun,” messy and cute, it’s absolutely complicated to make. After failing miserably so many times, I have given up the “fun bun” completely. The bun was there, but it wasn’t a “fun bun,” I didn’t enjoy making it and it ended up looking pretty much like something Miss Trunchbull from “Matilda” would sport. Not cute. However, one day I have decided to try it again. (“If at first you don't succeed, dust yourself off and try again…”)

    Wining and dining - we all love that! But there’s one thing that happens to be very problematic, particularly for ladies – the makeup. You spend hours getting ready and thirty minutes into a dinner, you realize that you have pretty much eaten away all your makeup or to be specific - any lip product you're wearing at that moment. You end up leaving traces of your lip product everywhere: the glass, the utensils, napkins… or in the worst case your teeth.