Embroidered Kimono
Happy Friday fellow Stylegazers! I present to you the embroidered dream of a kimono that caught my eye a few days ago at H&M amongst racks and racks of additional 30% off clothing. How could I possibly resist? It’s a steal kind of deal and I am not the one to pass the opportunity when it presents itself.
Top 5 Long-Lasting Lip Products for When You’re Wining and Dining
Wining and dining - we all love that! But there’s one thing that happens to be very problematic, particularly for ladies – the makeup. You spend hours getting ready and thirty minutes into a dinner, you realize that you have pretty much eaten away all your makeup or to be specific - any lip product you're wearing at that moment. You end up leaving traces of your lip product everywhere: the glass, the utensils, napkins… or in the worst case your teeth.
All Eyes on Grace Mitchell
Meet Grace Mitchell, your new obsession. She has been on so many “Artists To Watch” lists, but I have found out about her by clicking on a Facebook Ad for her “NoLo” video. When I saw it, I thought: “What is this? Looks fun!” But fun doesn't even begin to describe this young up-and-coming artist.
Winter Wonderland
Covered in blankets of snow, it’s hard to see anything wrong with the world when it’s so magical. I’ll be honest, I’m not a fan of winter, but it’s just so picture-perfect. “Winter” is usually accompanied by “wonderland” and it’s for a reason. What other season can be described as such? Winter has after all inspired so many writers and poets. It is such a cruel season, but oh, so stunning.
Take a Walk on the High Line
About two weeks ago, I have finally decided to take a walk on the High Line with my family. It took me five years (it’s going to be six in July) since I’ve been living here, to finally visit one of the must-see parks of Manhattan or an aerial greenway and rails-to-trails park, if you will. I know how awful that sounds and I know I have chosen possibly the worst season to see it, but I am slowly gaining a reputation for all of my awkward and poorly thought-out decisions (at least when it comes to family trips).
It’s Okay to Wear Florals in Winter
Hello my dear Stylegazers! I sincerely apologize for the silence. I decided to take a short break in order to survive the holidays, but I’m here now and back at it. I also wanted to say, HAPPY 2016! (Although, judging from what’s happening in the world right now, it’s not really going to be much different from any previous one, because – the humanity.) But anyways, let’s stay optimistic, shall we?