It’s Okay to Wear Florals in Winter
Hello my dear Stylegazers! I sincerely apologize for the silence. I decided to take a short break in order to survive the holidays, but I’m here now and back at it. I also wanted to say, HAPPY 2016! (Although, judging from what’s happening in the world right now, it’s not really going to be much different from any previous one, because – the humanity.) But anyways, let’s stay optimistic, shall we?
And nothing really says optimistic, like floral prints in January. I have noticed a pattern with my blog posts lately – floral in winter is all the rage (at least when it comes to me). Am I trying to say or deny something? I’m not sure; I’ll let you know when I find out. I was aiming for an edgier look and decided to stick to my (faux) leather jacket and hang out in a parking lot. Cause that’s what the cool kids do. Or so I heard… There is nothing magical about parking lots… They’re just so perfectly boring and utilitarian that no one even bothers checking or asking what I’m doing there. Just park, lock, focus and leave…
Okay, this is turning into a really boring internal monologue, so let’s move on… So, here I am, in an ALMOST head-to-toe black outfit, because of a teeny-tiny pop of color here and there and my super worn-out grey jeans (which you are going to be seeing to the point of disgust and I apologize for this in advance).
That is all…
Disclaimer: No one was hit by a car during this photo shoot.
Zdravo dragi Stylegazer-i! Iskreno se izvinjavam zbog tisine. Odlucila sam da napravim kratku pauzu, cisto da bih prezivjela praznike, ali evo me i vracam se na posao. Takodje zelim da kazem, SRETNA 2016! (Iako, sudeci prema stanju u kojem je svijet trenutno, nece biti mnogo drugacija od bilo koje prethodne, zato sto – covjecanstvo.) Ali kako god, hajde da budemo optimisticni?
Nista nije vise optimisticno nego floralni print u januaru. Primjetila sam nesto u mojim postovima u poslednje vrijeme – ludilo za floralnim printom. Da li pokusavam da kazem ili poreknem nesto? Nisam sigurna; javljam kada otkrijem. Ideja je bila da ciljam na edgy izgled, pa sam odlucila da se drzim svoje (lazne) kozne jakne i parkinga. Zato sto to rade cool djeca. Ili sam tako cula… Ne postoji nista magicno u vezi parking… Toliko su savrseno dosadni i samo sluze sustini da nikog ne interesuje da provjeri ili pita sta radim tu. Samo parkiraju, zakljucaju, skoncentrisu se i odu…
Okay, ovo postaje vrlo dosadan unutrasnji monolog, nastavimo dalje… I eto me, u SKORO od-glave-do-pete crnom outfitu, zbog malo boje tu i tamo i mojih super iznosenih sivih farmerica (koje cete vidjati do gadjenja i izvinjavam se unaprijed zbog toga).
To je sve…
S ljubavlju (Lots of love),
Obrazlozenje: Niko nije udaren autom prilikom slikanja.
Jacket: Miss Sixty
T-Shirt: American Apparel
Jeans: American Apparel
Boots: Circus by Sam Edelman
Fringe kimono: H&M
Hat: White House|Black Market