Interview With Millennial Fashionpreneur Ariana Pierce
Who run the world? Girls! The superwoman Ariana Pierce is a 26-year-old millennial entrepreneur, fashion blogger, and Instagram influencer, who recently released a book for fellow girl bosses titled “Skip The Party, Start a Business.” Living her dream life since her late teens, Ariana leads six hugely successful businesses including the well-known nail polish company, SuperstarnailLacquer.com, thriving online accessories company, Styleshoppe.com, and a busy publishing business. Pierce motivates thousands to grow their businesses, change up their lifestyles, and create incredible futures with her lively, straightforward and actionable recommendations. Intrigued yet…? Ariana was kind enough to answer few questions for The Stylegazer and give us some tips on overcoming the obstacles and pursuing dreams.
1. Ariana – you’re such an inspirational young woman. I’ve read your bio and was blown away! Only 25-years-old and you’ve accomplished so much already! But, let’s start from the beginning… You wear so many hats – tell us how it all started?
Thank you so much! My entrepreneurial journey started when I was just 13 years old. I would watch my parents run their small business, and it inspired me to do the same. So I wrote by first teen book with the help of my mother at 13 and owned a few kid-friendly businesses over the years. Fast forward to age 17 going on 18, I was inspired to do something more. I wanted to in some way inspire millions of women around the world, but I knew that could happen through entrepreneurship. That’s when I created and introduced my brand, Superstar Nail Lacquer, which is a vegan and toxin free nail polish brand. After hearing so many women around the world say that they were more confident after wearing our polish, I knew I had a product that was here to stay and that’s what launched me into full-time business.
2. Tell us a little bit about your nail polish line that you launched when you were only 18-years-old?
I got a bit ahead of myself, but like I mentioned, Superstar Nail Lacquer is a vegan and toxin free nail lacquer that was created for women on the go. My whole concept behind the line was to bring Hollywood to the everyday woman. I knew that most women may never experience having their own stylist, or walking a red carpet, but with our brand, you get that experience. With unique names like, My Stylist Love Pink, Paparazzi Pink and Walk the Red Carpet, every woman can feel like a star.
3. And now, the book titled “Skip The Party, Start a Business.” For someone who doesn’t know about it – how would you sum it up?
“Skip The Party, Start a Business” is book that will inspire every young person to be their best and succeed and will help every adult who wants to aid them in their success. It’s a resource guide that will cause you to push past the distractions and stay focused on pursing your goals and starting a business. In each chapter, I share a story from my life to give every reader a glimpse into what it’s like to be a teen or young entrepreneur. Because I don’t believe in just telling a person what they should do, I’ve added in assignments and takeaways at the end of each chapter to show and demonstrate how to implement the tools and techniques I’ve given throughout the book.
4. Some tips for young women out there who want to follow in your footsteps?
Some tips I would give to young women are,
nnfirst set some goals for your life. Success is planned, so it’s important to visualize and write out where you see yourself in the next 5-10 years. When you do this, you are able to push past a lot of distractions that could get you off course because you have something positive to focus on.
Secondly, I would recommend getting books and magazines for the field you want to be in. One thing that my parents told me was that successful people leave clues, and they are mostly found in books. After years of reading success-driven book, I’ve found this to be true. There are a lot of things you can learn from picking up material by those who are successful in your industry.
5. And for all the “naysayers” out there? How do you shut them down? How do you overcome the obstacles?
Great question! I shut down any naysayers by ignoring them and not feeding into their comments. You have to know that when you are on the path to success, there are going to be people who try to distract you or even try to make you stumble. What you have to do is be so focused and have such a desire to win, that they don’t phase you. Once I realized that this is something every successful person goes through, it became easy to overcome because I knew it was just a small part of the success journey.
Quick-fire Questions:
1. Sunrise or sunset? Sunset
2. Coffee or tea? Tea. Green Tea to be exact!
3. New or vintage? New
4. Books or movies? Books
5. Stripes or solids? Stripes