Flowers and Fringe

Hello my fellow Stylegazers! Yet again, I have decided to take my photos on the beautiful grounds around the Cathedral of the Incarnation. Of course, if you remember – I have taken some pics there before? (Here and here.) However, this time around the post is all about the flowers (notice my backdrop) and fringe (’cause I just can’t get over the trend).

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You know what? As beautiful these grounds are in the fall, they happen to be even more gorgeous in the spring and summer.

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I have purchased this cute fringed vest a few days ago and decided to build my outfit around it. Yeah, I know, I know, it might really look like a legit Coachella outfit and we all know that ended, but hey – I’m just having so much fun with this!

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I have opted for a white knitted crop top from American Apparel, a printed high-waisted pair of shorts from H&M, my favorite tie-up shoes from Ivanka Trump and a bag from Zara that I have probably worn more than any other bag I own, because I just find it so handy.

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This choker is from Forever 21 and I wear it every single day, because I’m just that obsessed with it.

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And then I tried to be artsy with this picture and the one at the top… Have I succeeded? Idk.

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Vest: Forever 21  / Crop top: American Apparel / Shorts: H&M / Shoes: Ivanka Trump  / Bag: Zara


Zdravo dragi Stylegazer-i! Još jednom sam odlučila da se slikam na predivnom posjedu Katedrale Inkarnacije. Naravno ako se sjećate, tu sam se slikala i ranije u ovom i ovom postu? Ali ovog puta post je u vezi cvijeća (primjetite pozadinu) i resa (jer ja jednostavno ne mogu da pređem preko ovog trenda). Znate šta? Koliko god je ovaj park lijep na jesen, još je ljepši u proljeće i ljeto. Kupila sam ovaj prsluk sa resama prije par dana i odlučila da kreiram outfit inspirisan njime. Da, znam, znam, možda izgleda kao tipičan Coachella outfit i svi znamo da je to završilo, ali hey – tako je zabavan! Odlučila sam se za bijeli pleteni top iz American Apparel-a, šorc visokog struka sa printom iz H&M-a, moje omiljene sandale na vezivanje od Ivanke Trump i torbu koju sam nosila više nego ikoju drugu koju posjedujem, jer je tako praktična. Choker je iz Forever 21-

a i nosim ga svaki dan, zato što sam baš toliko opsjednuta sa njim.