In Paradise: The Sands Point Preserve
Hello my fellow Stylegazers! As you might’ve noticed by far, I really like spending time in the nature or at old estates, those remnants of a time that I never got a chance to be a part of. Cause, you know… we are always nostalgic for those eras we were not born in. The grass is always greener on the other side, am I right? Yeah, maybe at least when it comes to fashion and love; other things I’m not so sure of.Since I never got a chance to rage with F. Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald, wear flapper dresses all day long and drink champagne like it’s nothing, all while discussing highly intellectual topics; at least I can visit a place that was an inspiration for one of the greatest books ever written and for a lingering moment travel back in time. The Sands Point Preserve or the original Guggenheim Estate was built back in the day when wealthy American families built grandiose mansions as summer retreats along the Long Island Sound. Sands Point was the “East Egg” in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby,” also known as the place where “old money” lives. Somehow it’s impossible to be in Sands Point or Kings Point and not think of “The Great Gatsby.”
Zdravo dragi Stylegazer-i! Kao što ste i primjetili do sada, ja zaista volim provoditi vrijeme u prirodi i na starim posjedima, ostacima vremena koje nikada nisam mogla proživjeti. Jer, znate… uvijek smo nostalgični za vremenima u kojima nismo rođeni. Jesam u pravu? Da, možda što se tiče mode i ljubavi, ali za druge stvari nisam baš sigurna da nedostaju. Pošto nikada nisam dobila šansu da se provodim sa F. Scott i Zeldom Fitzgerald, da nosim flapper haljine po cijeli dan, pijem šampanjac kao da je ništa i to sve dok raspravljamo o intelektualnim temama; makar mogu posjetiti mijesto koje je bilo inspiracija za jednu od najboljih knjiga ikada napisanih i makar na trenutak otputovati kroz vrijeme. The Sands Point Prserve ili originalni Guggenheim posjed je napravljen u vremenu kada su bogate američke porodice gradile velinčanstvene domove kao vikendice duž Long Island Sound-a. Sands Point je “Istočno Jaje” u F. Scott Fitzgerald-ovom “Velikom Getsbiju,” takođe poznato kao mjesto gdje “stare pare” žive. Nekako je nemoguće biti u Sands Point-u ili Kings Point-u i ne misliti o “Velikom Getsbiju.”
Dress: ark & co. @ Coquette / Shoes: Aldo