La Femme Bohème
Hello fellow Stylegazers! It’s been a while, but I’m back at it again. I guess life happened, but I don’t think I can use that as excuse anymore. There wouldn’t be such a huge fire (in my case bonfire), if I hadn’t fanned the flames. Therefore I take full responsibility for my life and actions, because there is no other way. So here I am, ready to roll up the sleeves and get to work.
Now that that’s out of way, let’s shift our focus to the today’s outfit, which I’m gonna call “La Femme Bohème” (for the record – I don’t know French, only few words that I picked up here and there, but I guess that won’t stop me from using them, which is both a blessing and a curse). As you can tell, I am still in my bohemian mode and I don’t think I won’t be getting out of it soon, because spring and summer kind of go hand in hand with bohemian style and that’s all we’ll be able to buy at stores. Now, this completely works for me, because I happen to adore it. To those of you who got bored of it already (and this also might happen to me, we’ll see), maybe try taking the “That ‘70s Show” route by incorporating colorful, retro, funky and slightly less bohemian pieces into your daily wardrobe, since these also happen to be all the rage now. I already have this skirt that screams “Jackie Burkhart” and probably few other pieces somewhere in my closet. These are exciting times to be alive.
Adieu, till the next time!
Disclaimer: No worries, these styles are not all you’ll be able to buy at stores. I had to say it, because my third favorite style happens to be exaggeration.
Zdravo dragi Stlegazer-i! Dosta je vremena prošlo, ali sam se vratila ponovo. Izgleda da se život desio, ali mislim da to više ne mogu koristiti kao izgovor. Ne bi bilo tolike vatre (u mom slučaju lomače), da ja nisam raspirila plamenove. Zbog toga, preuzimam totalnu odgovornost za moj život i akcije, jer ne postoji drugi način. Tako da sam tu i spremna da zasukam rukave.
Sada kada smo to makli s puta, pređimo na današnji outfit, koji ću ja nazvati “La Femme Bohème” ( samo da se zna – ne znam francuski, samo par riječi koje sam pokupila tu i tamo, ali me to neće zaustaviti da ih koristim, što je zapravo i blagoslov i kletva). Kao što možete da vidite, i dalje sam u boemskoj fazi i mislim da neću uskoro izlaziti iz nje, zato što proljeće i ljeto idu ruku u ruku sa boemskim stilom i to je sve što ćete moći trenutno kupiti u radnjama. Ovo funkcionise za mene, jer ja obožavam taj stil. Za one kojima je već dosadio (što će se možda desiti i meni, vidjećemo), pokušajte uključiti šarene, retro, funky i malo manje boemske komade u dnevnu odjeću, jer su i oni vrlo popularni sada. Već imam suknju koja vrišti “Jackie Burkhart” i vjerovatno još par komada negdje u ormaru. Ovo je uzbudljivo vrijeme za živjeti.
Adieu, do sledećeg puta!
Upozorenje: Bez brige, ovi stilovi nisu sve što ćete moći kupiti u radnjama. Morala sam to reći, jer je moj treći omiljeni stil preuveličavanje.
Blouse: Urban Outfitters / Skirt: Zara / Boots: Zara / Hat: Forever 21
Photos by: Ana Vasiljevic