Nostalgic Romantic Look: A La Parisienne
I am currently obsessed with the off-the-shoulder sweaters, because they provide comfort and also happen to be utterly feminine. Then there are these wisteria-printed pants that are unlike anything I’ve seen on the market to far. The print is absolutely gorgeous and it kind of reminds me of my childhood in one of the coastal towns of Montenegro.
I still vividly remember how they climbed the facades of the homes creating an arch above the cobblestone sidewalk. And the smell…oh, the smell… Okay! Snap out of it! So, I topped the look off with this beautiful soft pink Tory Burch bag and added a bit of rose bling in the form of jewelry and these metallic Prada pumps. And voilà! You have a nostalgic romantic look.
Trenutno sam opsjednuta sa dzemperima golog ramena. Posebno zbog toga sto pruzaju komfor i istovremeno su izuzetno zenstveni. Tu su takodje pantalone sa printom glicinije, sto su nesto sto nisam nikada ranije vidjela u prodaji. Print je predivan i podsjeca me na djetinjstvo u jednom od primorskih gradova Crne Gore. Jos se jasno sjecam kako su se pele uz fasade domova kreirajuci svod nad kaldrmama. I miris…oh, miris… Okej! Trgni se! Potom sam odlucila da upotpunim look sa ovom prelijepom njezno rozom Tory Burch torbom i dodala sam malo roze sjaja sa nakitom i metalik Prada stiklama. I voilà! Sada si nostalgicni romanticar.
Image: Unsplash