The Time Traveler: Nostalgic Romantic Fashion Trends
I have decided to call today’s look “The Time Traveler,” because it was based on some classic pieces that I have stocked up over time. It is also a fact that in the world of fashion certain looks are just recycled over and over again. That’s why I felt like it’s the time my chiffon skirt and secretary blouse (or bow blouse) finally see the light of the day. I also happen to absolutely adore chiffon. It is so flowy, feminine and classic and definitely one of romantic fashion trends this season. And the way it moves just makes me feel super ladylike. I decided to complete the look with a beret, strappy sandals and a DKNY bag. You see, I have a soft spot for beretes, because I used to wear one when I was a kid. It was red and I remember how great it made me feel. You can even say that my outfit was inspired by my childhood. So that fact in combination with an abandoned St. Paul’s School as my backdrop, made me feel like I traveled back in time.
Odlucila sam da danasnji izgled nazovem “putnik kroz vrijeme,” zbog toga sto je zasnovan na klasicnim komadima kojim sam se snabdjela tokom vremena. Cinjenica je da se u svijetu mode odredjeni izgledi samo recikliraju iznova i iznova. Zato sam pomislila da je vrijeme da moja sifon suknja i sekretarica bluza (ili masna bluza) napokon ugledaju svijetlost dana. Ja takodje absolutno obozavam sifon, zbog tog sto je romantican, zenstven i klasican. Nacin na koji se materijal pokrece cini da se osijecam vrlo damski. Izgled sam upotpunila beretkom, stiklama sa kaisevima i DKNY torbom. Vidite, ja sam bas slaba na beretke, jer sam posjedovala jednu kada sam bila dijete. Bila je crvena i sijecam se kako je cinila da se dobro osijecam u njoj. Takodje mozete reci da je moj izgled inspirisan mojim djetinjstvom. Ta cinjenica u kombinaciji sa napustenom St. Paul’s skolom kao mojom pozadinom, stvorila je utisak da sam otputovala kroz vrijeme.
Blouse: American Apparel
Skirt: Urban Outfitters
Shoes: Ivanka Trump
Beret: Zara