Gold Coast-Inspired Cute Preppy Outfit For Fall
Are you looking for a cute preppy outfit for fall? Look no further. Keep reading for some Gold Coast history and scrolling for some fashion inspo.
I took advantage of this sunny Sunday to visit the Old Westbury Gardens. This breathtaking estate features an opulent Charles II-style mansion, beautifully landscaped gardens that stretch as far as the eye can see, a few ponds and a pool. It was built for John Shaffer Phipps’ fiancée Margarita to resemble her Battle Abbey house. Phipps, as in an “heir to a U.S. Steel fortune” Phipps. The lavish mansion called “Westbury House” was designed by George A. Crawley, a British artist and designer known for his distinguished taste. The architectural style of the estate is considered an “English manorial.” Inside the mansion you can also find a painting of Mrs. Henry Phipps and her grandson Winston by John Singer Sargent.
In popular culture the estate can be seen in movies such as Cruel Intentions, The Age of Innocence, Hitch, etc. And in the TV shows such as Gossip Girl and Royal Pains. I actually remember the moment I saw the mansion in Cruel Intentions. I still lived in Europe and seeing it I thought: “Where is that?! I wanna see it in person!” Fast-forward few years later, I am actually taking a stroll around the estate. Still kinda hard to believe. Walking around “The Gardens” actually makes you excited for all the little discoveries you are going to make. I always find myself going off the beaten path, only to discover more secret passages, little secluded rose gardens and statues. Here, you can actually find them scattered all around the estate. Gotta love Long Island’s Gold Coast.
My outfit is inspired by the romantic history of this magnificent estate. I tried to incorporate into my outfit the same color palette that can be found all around Old Westbury Gardens.
Iskoristila sam ovu suncanu nedelju da posjetim Old Westbury Gardens. Ovaj zadivljujuci posjed ukljucuje vilu u stilu Carlsa II, prelijepo uredjene baste koje se prostiru u nedogled, nekoliko jezera i bazen. Izgradjen je za Margaritu, vjerenicu John Shaffer Phipps-a koji je bio Americki naslijednik celicnog bogatstva. Raskosna vila, pod imenom “Westbury House” je dizajnirana od strane George A. Crawley-a, Britanskog umjetnika i dizajnera koji je poznat po svom istancanom ukusu. Arhitektonski stil posjeda se smatra “Engleskim plemickim.” U vili se takodje moze naci slika gospodje Henry Phipps i njenog unuka Winston-a, naslikana od strane nikog drugog nego John Singer Sargent-a. U medijima se posjed moze vidjeti u filmovima kao sto su Cruel Intentions, The Age of Innocence, Hitch, itd. I u televizijskim show-ima kao sto su Gossip Girl i Royal Pains. Sjecam se trenutka kada sam prvi put vidjela vilu u Cruel Intentions. Jos uvijek sam zivjela u Evropi i pomislila sam: “Gdje je ovo? Zelim je vidjeti uzivo!” Par godina kasnije i ja zapravo hodam po njenom posjedu. I dalje je tesko za povjerovati. Setnja kroz Old Westbury Gardens svakog cini uzbudjenog oko toga sta ce naci sledece. Ja cesto odlutam sa utabane staze i pronadjem jos tajnih prolaza, malih osamljenih ruzicnjaka i raznih skulptura. Ovdje su one rasporedjene po cijelom posjedu. Jednostavno morate voljeti Zlatnu Obalu Long Island-a.
Moj outfit je inspirisan romanticnom istorijom ovog velelepnog imanja. Pokusala sam da ukljucim u ovu kombinaciju istu paletu boja koja se moze naci posvuda kroz Old Westbury Gardens.
Blazer: Urban Outfitters
Blouse: Lauren Conrad
Skirt: Urban Outfitters
Bag: DVF
Shoes: Vince Camuto
nnnReferences: Wikipedia