Slip Dress

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Hello my fellow Stylegazers! I’ve been silent for some time, but I’m back and ready to rumble. As it gets nicer and nicer out, I am definitely going to be more consistent with posts. I am also definitely, not going to complain about the weather, because it could’ve been worse – so much worse… Then also, life happened. It just had to show up out of nowhere, trip me up a little and smack me right into a different mindset. Nothing horrible, just little obstacles… But hey, you know what’s great about us humans? We shift our focus and adapt to any new situation with such ease. We are more powerful than we think.

Now that that’s out of the way, let me refocus yet again and move on to the outfit. I’ve been very obsessed with slip dresses lately. If it looks like I can sleep in it – yes please! C-O-M-F-O-R-T is all I’m about right now. With slip dresses you can’t go wrong. They’re very comfortable and feminine, but with a leather jacket they can also look very edgy. Neo, neo-romanticism is pretty much the goal here and to me it’s represented in a style that’s equal amounts romantic, soft and feminine and edgy, dark and kinda boyish.

That would be all in this post. Stay golden my friends.

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Zdravo dragi Stylegazer-i! Bila sam tiha neko vrijeme, ali sam se vratila spremnija nego ikada. Sto bude ljepše i ljepše vani, moći ću česće izbacivati postove. Takođe, ovog puta se neću žaliti na vrijeme, jer je moglo biti gore – mnogo gore… Onda, život se desio takođe. Morao se pojaviti niotkuda, podapeti me i zveknuti me u drugi mentalitet. Ništa užasno, samo male prepreke… Ali hej, znate šta je divno u tome što smo ljudska bića? Tako lako mijenjamo fokus i prilagođavamo se na novu situaciju. Monogo smo moćniji nego što mislimo.

Sada pošto smo to raščistili, hajde da se ponovo refokusiram i pređem na outfit. U poslednje vrijeme sam prilično opsjednuta kombine haljinama ili spavaćicama, nisam sigurna što bi tehnički naziv tačno bio… Ali ako izgleda kao da mogu spavati u tome – da molim! Trenutno me jedino briga za K-O-M-F-O-R. Sa kombine haljinama ne možete pogriješiti. Vrlo su udobne i ženstvene, ali sa kožnom jaknom mogu biti vrlo edgy. Neo, neo-romantizam je cilj, a za mene je predstavljen u stilu koji je podjednako romantičan, mekan i ženstven i edgy, mračan i poprilično dječački.

To bi bilo sve u ovom postu. Ostanite vjerodostojni sebi moji prijatelji.


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Dress: Zara
Jacket: Zara
Boots: Circus by Sam Edelman
Beret: Zara