Pinafore Dress Trend x Zara
There’s nothing that brings out an inner child in me like a pinafore dress and I love that sense of nostalgia. So, I just had to hop on this pinafore dress trend bandwagon. My particular favorite this season has been this khaki green version from Zara. It has patches all over that add a little bit of character to it. There’s a particular one that says: “No coffee, no workee,” which also happens to be a rule I live by. This dress is edgy, a little bit of military and definitely punk. It’s so much fun to wear.
History of pinafores:
Pinafores were actually protective aprons that girls and women used to wear over their everyday clothes and looked something like this. The name originated from the structure of the garment, which was pinned (pin) in the front (afore) of the dress. Pinafores were very practical, since they protected the clothes and were easily removable in order to wash. However, they were still washed rarely because the lye from cleaning products used to damage buttons on them.
(Zbog nepostojeceg adekvatnog izaraza na nasem jeziku za ovu vrstu haljine, jednostavno cu je zvati “pinafore.”)
Ne postoji nista sto izrazava unutrasnje dijete u meni kao pinafore. Moj favorit ove sezone je ova kaki zelena verzija iz Zare. Posto ima zakrpe po sebi, one joj dodaju malu osobnosti. Postoji jedna zakrpa na kojoj pise: “Nema kafe, nema rada,” sto je zapravo pravilo po kojem ja zivim. Ova haljina je edgy, pomalo vojnicka i definitivno punk. Vrlo je zabavna za nositi.
Istorija pinafore-a:
Pinafore su zapravo bile zastitne kecelje koje su djevojcice i zene nosile preko svakodnevne odjece i izgledale su ovako. Ime potice od strukture odjevnog predmeta, koji se ustvari kacio (pin) sa prednje strane (afore) haljine. Pinafore su bile vrlo prakticne, jer su stitile odjecu i bilo ih je lako skinuti i oprati. Ali uprkos tome su prate vrlo rijetko zbog lye-a koji se nalazio u sredstvima za ciscenje i koji je unistavao dugmad.
Dress: Zara
Jacket: Zara
T-Shirt: Zara
Bag: Zara
Boots: Circus by Sam Edelman
References: Wikipedia