Fall-Friendly Zara Dress
Needless to say, I love fall and I happen to especially love it in New York. The blue skies clashing with changing colors of the trees can make even the coldest of hearts feel warm with romance of this particular season. This is also a season when I usually go for retro aesthetic. Well… most of the time. (wink wink) However, I can’t really deny the gloomy days either. It is a known fact that New Yorkers cherish every sunny day like it’s their last. Which furthermore, proves my point that with the right transitional dress, no season can take you by surprise. Just like this fall-friendly Zara dress I bought a while ago. It is feminine, yet it doesn’t look like you’re trying too hard. On the super cold days, you can simply wear it with tights and boots and still make it work.
Nepotrebno je reci da obozavam jesen, pogotovo kada je to jesen un New York-u. Plavo nebo u kontrastu sa mijenjajucim bojama drveca, moze cak i najhladnije srce zagrijati toplotom romanse. Ovo je takodje godisnje doba za vrijeme kojeg obicno biram retro estetiku. Pa…vecinu vremena. mig mig Sa druge strane, ne mogu zanemariti ni turobno vrijeme. Poznata je cinjenica da New Yorkers cijene svaki suncan dan kao da je poslednji. Sto dalje potvrdjuje moju teoriju da sa pravom prelaznom haljinom, niti jedno godisnje doba vas ne moze iznenaditi. Pravom haljinom, kao sto je ova iz Zare koju sam kupila prilicno davno. Sa jedne strane je zenstvena, a sa druge ne izgledate kao da se previse trudite. Kada su dani hladni, i dalje je mozete nositi sa hulahopkama i cizmama.
DRESS: Zara (You can find a similar one here, here & here)
SHOES: Urban Outfitters (Unfortunately sold out, but you can find similar ones here & here)
HAT: White House Black Market
BAG: Zara
What are some cute outfits for fall you like to wear? Let me know in the comments below!