Dr. Yelena Yeretsky Reveals Her Beauty Secrets So You Can Glow
Dr. Yelena Yeretsky a.k.a “Dr. Y,” is an internationally renowned physician specializing in anti-aging and aesthetic medicine. At her gorgeous West Village medical boutique, she offers an all-immersive experience tailored to meet all of your beauty needs and help you indulge all of your senses. Services offered at Clinique YFT are not only those of medical nature. Here you can properly pamper yourself by getting one of the lavish facials or opting for a fascia release massage. But that’s not all. What about your soul? Dr. Yeretsky took care of that too by offering complimentary in-house Astrology Birth Chart and Tarot Card Reading. Pretty DAMN COOL right?!
With that said – this is your opportunity to get some beauty tips directly from an expert. Here’s what Dr. Yeretsky has to say about what can ruin and age that flawless skin of yours.
Effects dairy has on the skin: irritation, inflammation, itchiness and acne.
What you don’t know…
“People don’t necessarily have an allergy to the actual protein itself, rather the hormones, additives and antibiotics that are used in the food given to the animals. These different hormones/additives are foreign to the body, so when they enter, the body tries to protect itself, in turn causing bad effects. The processing of different products also plays the part. The best way to find out what’s good or bad for you is by the process of elimination. Stop consuming all dairy products completely and add them back one by one to see what your body can tolerate.”
It doesn’t just cause pimples…
“When you sleep the body recuperates, relaxes and all the anti-aging processes happen. When it comes to anti-aging, every cell in the body is programmed to work a certain way. So when something like makeup stresses our skin, the process slows down. Sleeping in makeup covers and congests our pores. AND – are you ready for this? It doesn’t allow cell turnover to happen. If it does, it happens very slowly.
So YES, you are aging yourself every time you sleep in makeup!”
Work environment affects skin quality…
Work in an office? Travel for work often? There is not enough oxygen for your skin. Offices, subways, cabs and planes are all dehydrated environments.
Dr. Y’s tips:
- Go outside any chance you get, it doesn’t matter if it’s hot or cold.
- Carry a hydrating spray like Avène Thermal Spring Water and spritz your face throughout the day.
- Wear toner on top of your makeup.
- Drink TONS of water.