A Velvet Affair


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I have always loved velvet; the luxurious look of it, the smooth feel of it and the way it can upgrade any outfit. Throughout the history, velvet has been associated with the nobility. Somewhere between 9th and 19th century AD, Cairo was the largest producer of velvet, which was then exported to Venice and further across Europe. Velvet was such a big deal that King Richard II of England, stated in his will that his body should be dressed in “velveto” in 1399.

Uvijek sam voljela barsun; njegov luksuzni izgled, njegovu mekocu i nacin na koji moze da unaprijedi bilo koju odjevnu kombinaciju. Kroz istoriju, barsun je bio povezivan sa plemstvom. Negdje izmedju 9. i 19. vijeka, Kairo je bio najveci proizvodjac barsuna, koji je potom izvozen u Veneciju i otud sirom Evrope. Barsun je bio toliko bitan da je kralj Ricard II od Engleske izjavio u svom testamentu oko 1399. godine, da bi njegovo tijelo trebalo biti obuceno u barsun.

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Jacket: Unique Thrift Shop
Velvet Pants: H&M
T-Shirt: Zara
Shoes: Zara
Bag: Michael Kors
Scarf: Zara
Hat: White House | Black Market

References: Wikipedia